Story behind "Far" with Thinking Outside the Blocks


SUPER honored to be interviewed by Allie Moss and Bess Rogers of Thinking Outside the Blocks! TOTB is a songwriter’s dream workshop: mentors who know their songwriting ish (both Allie and Bess are incredible writers/artists) teaching ACTUALLY HELPFUL songwriting tools which can apply to any genre and experience level.

Also, you should know that Allie and Bess are the champs at giving truly constructive criticism. I’ve been a part of many other songwriting workshops in the past and have often felt that the critiques were more about making me fit into a particular mold rather than grow as my own artist. TOTB truly serves the songwriter; it’s meant to strengthen your craft in really practical ways and encourage you to be you…but they just help you get better at being you. :)

As you can tell, TOTB is near and dear to my heart; I’ve taken many of their songwriting workshops and one-on-one’s with Allie and Bess, and they are responsible for a lot of upcoming songs you’ll eventually hear. ;) Point is, I deeply respect TOTB and the resources they give songwriters, and so when they asked if they could interview me on the story behind “Far”, I was (and still am) thrilled!

Watch our conversation on the story behind “Far”:

We interview singer/songwriter Kim Edwards about writing her new song "Far" and being a part of our TOTB Community. Workshops, songwriting community, inspira...
artist featureKim Edwards